Vertical Examples
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Images are scaled using USGS topographical maps or images are geo-coded and rectified using DOQQS. DOQQs are produced by the Texas Orthoimagery Program and are acturate to 1 meter. Images can be printed
on photographic paper and or copied to CD, DVD or an FTP site for delivery to the customer.
The size of each image is 9" X 9" if from film. The footprint of each digital image is 4.5" x 6" at 1200 dpi. The negative scale of each image is determined by the altitude flown. The negative scale can then be enlarged to 5 times from film and 8 times if digital to reach the desired print scale. All new imagery is shot in digital format only.
Chemical Turning
and Avery Turning Basins
This photo was taken at a negative scale of 1"=1600'. The area covered as shown is approximately 2.1 miles X 1.7 miles. This photo was cropped from the original negative.

Padre Complex
This photo was taken at a negative scale of 1"=2500'. The area covered as shown is approimately 3.3 miles X 3.25 miles.

Shamrock Island
Because island shorelines are changing, scaling this image is more of a challenge. Using previously taken photos and topographical maps scale was set at approximatley 1"=750'.


Accident Site Hwy 244 & Loop 12,
Garland, TX
Accident sites are normally shot at a low altitude, marks are painted on the road at 100' intervals. This allows a more acurate scale to be set in the darkroom The negative scale of this image was shot at 1"=150'. The printed scale was 1"=30'.

Clarkwood, TX
The scale of this image is 1"=500'. The area as shown covers approximately 3909' X 3700' on the ground. This image was cropped from the original negative and scaled up (enlarged). The orginal negative scale of this image was 1"=1000'.



Airline @ Cimarron Blvd

The negative scale of this image is 1"=2000'. The scale was set by measuring the actual distance on the image between Cimarron and Rodd Field Road then dividing 5280' (1 mile) by that measurement. The ground distance between the two roads is 1 mile as measured on the USGS topographical map.


Rio Grande Valley TX Aerial Imagery | Aerial Photography Rio Grande Valley | Corpus Christi Aerial Imagery | Historical Aerial Photography Corpus Christi TX | Historical Aerial Photography Rio Grande Valley TX |


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